Hospice Services of Lake County

Providing hope, quality of life and compassionate care in our community for over 40 years

Sooner is Better

Patients get the most benefit from hospice support when hospice is called early.
 Call today to see how you or your loved one might benefit from hospice care.
707-263-6222 or 1-800-900-8820

We Honor Veterans

we honor veterans

We Honor Vets…

To help provide care and support that reflect the important contributions made by military Veterans, Hospice Services of Lake County is a national partner of We Honor Veterans, a pioneering campaign developed by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs.

We Honor Vets

By recognizing the unique needs of our nation’s Veterans who are facing a life-limiting illness, our hospice organization is able to accompany and guide Veterans and their families toward a more peaceful ending, and in cases where there might be some specific needs related to the Veteran’s military service, combat experience, or other traumatic events, our care team will find tools to help support those for whom they are caring.

The resources of We Honor Veterans focus on respectful inquiry, compassionate listening and grateful acknowledgment, coupled with Veteran-centric education of healthcare staff caring for Veterans.