Living before dying

Most people die in a hospital with tubes in their arms surrounded by people they don’t know. With a little planning you can have the death experience you want and have some control over it. Dr. Molly Bourne, Medical Director of Hospice by the Bay, talks about...

Why doctors die differently

Careers in medicine have taught them the limits of treatment and the need to plan for the end By Ken Murray, February 25, 2012 Years ago, Charlie, a highly respected orthopedist and a mentor of mine, found a lump in his stomach. It was diagnosed as pancreatic cancer...

It’s not so scary

Think about what’s important to you and talk about it with your family. Do this when you’re not sick. Do this when you can think clearly. The best way to care about the people you love is to let them know what you want at end of life. It’s not so...

Will you decide?

Make your end-of-life wishes known America Tonight interviews Ellen Goodman, founder of The Conversation Project, and families using the starter-kit to communicate end-of-life wishes to their loved ones.   Is living more days with discomfort and pain your goal?...